
Digital Residencies

4 continents – 9 countries – 17 residents – 5 teams

What effects does climate change have in India, what in Germany? What does queer history mean here, and what does it mean in Poland? How can you work together on a performance across two continents? The digital, international residency programme (Un)Learning Distances creates an opportunity for artists from NRW and other parts of the world to put out feelers on a global level via the digital space in order to enter into an artistic exchange with each other, to broaden perspectives and to (un)learn from each other.

The residency programme consists of five teams, in each of which an artist or collective from NRW’s independent scene collaborates with an artist from another part of the world who is researching similar thematic and/or aesthetic issues. In the digital space, they enter into an artistic dialogue to develop a joint work for the digital and/or analogue space, which will be presented at FAVORITEN Festival. We want to meet each other, question preconceptions, learn from and with each other and overcome distances.


Ignacia González Torres, Lorenzo Morales Lobos, Pablo Garretón

Theater im DEPOT (UN)LEARNING DISTANCES 14+ Performance


Liza Baliasnaja & Vera Boitcova

Studio 2 im DEPOT (UN)LEARNING DISTANCES 13+ Performance


Calvin Hein & Kay Kwabia

Parzelle im DEPOT (UN)LEARNING DISTANCES Installation Performance photo exhibition


Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi (crazinisT artisT) & Maria Renee Morales Garcia

Studio 1 im DEPOT (UN)LEARNING DISTANCES Installation Participative performance

Cast & Credits:

Artistic direction of the FAVORITEN Festival: Anne Mahlow, Margo Zālīte and Sina-Marie Schneller
Project Management (Un)Learning Distances: Patrick Kohn

Thanks to the Outside-Eyes Artists: Catalina Ghineraru, Frederika Tsai, Inga Bergmann, Jorge Martinez, Katia Sophia Ditzler, Lian Guodong, Matheus Araújo, Monika Popiel, Nana Oforiatta Ayim, Raania Azam Khan Durrani, Ygor Bahia.

The project (Un)Learning Distances – Digital, International Residency Program is developed in cooperation with transmissions GmbH and is supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR.