

Adele - inter* under National Socialism. Short lecture, reading and panel discussion

Jako Wende und Maria Babusch im Gespräch/ im Anschluss an HACKER AUF ESTRADIOL


“I WOULD LOVE TO SCREAM MY LIFE INTO THE WORLD (…)” (Adele Haas, March 28, 1961)

Input & reading with Jako Wende, followed by a panel discussion with Maria Babusch on the historical invisibilization of inter* biographies and the artistic and activist confrontation with them

Following HACKER AUF ESTRADIOL (lecture performance) by Maria Babusch, Jako Wende will present the biography of Adele, an inter* person who experienced massive violence during National Socialism. In a moving short input, Jako Wende talks about Adele’s persecution and her life. The short lecture ends with the reading of some poems that Adele wrote during her imprisonment in prisons and concentration camps.

Jako Wende researches the persecution of trans*, inter* and/or gender non-conforming people under National Socialism for activist reasons. His research focuses in particular on people who have not found a place in the culture of remembrance to date.

Maria Babusch is an author, theater maker and moderator. With HACKER AUF ESTRADIOL, she has created an artistic, speculative stage essay about video art, transsexualism, the moon, electronic music, the loss of techno-optimism and the aftermath. Two biographies of the trans* women Lynn Conway and Wendy Carlos are placed in the spotlight.

Two biographies of the trans* women Lynn Conway and Wendy Carlos are placed in the spotlight.

The approaches of Maria Babusch and Jako Wende are united by the motivation to research and reappraise trans* biographies threatened by oblivion and to bring them out into the world. In doing so, the two become a medium themselves. While Jako Wende sees his own work as activist, Maria Babusch sees her own work as artistic. Where do the works overlap? Where does the great interest in research and archive work come from? And what kind of relationship do the two of them have with the people they are now giving a voice to?

“I would love to shout my life into the world and publish it, but that requires money, and I don’t have that, it’s certainly unique and interesting, I can’t believe it, it sounds like a fairy tale, even that I’ve endured it and am still alive is a miracle.” Adele 28.03.1961



Image Rights: LAV NRW Gerichte Rep 300/249, editing by Kai* Brust”

Theater im Depot

Theater im Depot (TiD)
Immermannstraße 29
44147 Dortmund

Trans hostility, inter-hostility, expressing the wish to die, National Socialism, concentration camps, mention of sex worker hostility and torture
Fr 13.9.
Theater im Depot