

Der erste Kontakt - Ein Live-Online-Multiplayer-Theater-Game

Anna Kpok


Species on the threatened planet Earth debated for a long time – but now their decision has been made: humans are allowed to be part of it. The problem is that the goal of this mission is secret. So Anna Kpok was asked to act as a mediator. She is to make the first contact with humans under the pretext of a live online multiplayer theatre game and invite them to wander through a futuristic game world, find out things and discuss them – in order to make a forward-looking decision at the end.

Anna Kpok’s theatre game therefore is exactly that: it is aimed at all people who feel like making important decisions for the earth.

Each player needs a computer (incl. webcam & microphone, Firefox or Chrome) and a smartphone with camera + messenger app (Signal, Telegram, What’s App or Threema).

Cast & Credits

Development & Performance: Emese Bodolay, Gabor Bodolay, Maurice Croissier, Theresa Hupp, Kristin Naujokat, Almut Pape, Grit Schuster and Klaas Werner.

A co-production between Anna Kpok, Ringlokschuppen.Ruhr and Schaubude Berlin.
Supported by City of Berlin Department for Culture and Europe.

Shown as part of “dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions” of the Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme.

Ticket sales will close on 23.09 at the latest. Anyone who buys a ticket will receive an email with all the information shortly before the event. As there are only limited places, please let us know at if you have bought a ticket but cannot attend.
Each player needs a computer (incl. webcam & microphone, Firefox or Chrome) and a smartphone with camera + messenger app (Signal, Telegram, What's App or Threema).
So 25.9.