

Das Herz liegt begraben

Emel Aydoğdu

ProduktionSzenische LesungDeutsch / tw Türkisch14+

In 1991, Mehmet Kubaşık and his childhood sweetheart Elif Kubaşık arrive in Germany. They have fled Turkey to escape the politically threatening situation and settle in Dortmund. Years later, Mehmet Kubaşık opens a kiosk in Dortmund’s Nordstadt district. On 4 April 2006, he becomes the victim of racist violence committed by the NSU. Director Emel Aydoğdu traces Elif and Mehmet Kubaşık’s life and love story and at the same time embarks on a journey of remembrance for her own (family) history and her life between Turkey and Germany. Together with actors from Schauspiel Dortmund, she tells their story from meeting in Turkey to moments in Germany shortly before the day in April 2006, and on to the present – illuminating both personal memories and stories of life’s complexity.

Cast & Credits

Concept and Version: Elif Kubaşık, Emel Aydoğdu
Actors: Mervan Ürkmez, Antje Prust, Linda Elsner
Direction: Emel Aydoğdu
Costume Design: Nicola Gördes
Artistic Direction: Levent Arslan, Özge Çakirbey
Dramaturgy: Christopher-Fares Köhler

The project was created as part of the nationwide theatre project “Kein Schlussstrich”.
Produced and premiered at Dietrich-Keuning-Haus, in co-operation with Schauspiel Dortmund.

Additional information:

Instagram:  @keuninghausofficial


Schauspiel Dortmund

Theaterkarree 1-3, 44137 Dortmund

Di 20.9.
Schauspiel Dortmund